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Background Future of Open Science in Flanders

Open Science proposes a fundamental systemic change in the way research is conducted, shared and evaluated. It requires vision, long-term action plans, and profound investments to support its ambition to improve the quality, efficiency and impact of research. Unsurprisingly, it is considered to be a top priority for the European Commission to implement Open Science practices and infrastructure as standard methods of working in the European research landscape as well as abroad. For example, NASA and US federal agencies are declaring 2023 the Year of Open Science. 


In addition to the European efforts, the Flemish government has invested 25 million euros over the past 5 years to build services and infrastructure together with to make the transition to Open and FAIR data (FAIR and Open Data). This period of financial support ends in december 2023. Even though many initiatives have been set up, further efforts remain necessary to make Open Science a day-to-day reality and to truly benefit from the opportunities it creates.  Because of the importance of keeping up to speed with international evolutions, the FRDN organizes this event in collaboration with the department EWI in order to gather input for policy advice that will be delivered to the Flemish government. 

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