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The governance structure

FRDN designed a governance to structure the different players in the Flemish Open Science field (FOSB, FRDN, Communities) that (proactively) responds to the rapidly evolving international Open Science landscape. It enables us to reach the impactful goals in an efficient and collaborative manner.

A presenter in a meeting looks at post-its hanging against the wall that are the result of a brainstorming session.

The Governance structure

The governance structure shows three interconnected governance clusters that aim to bring together expertise and foster knowledge sharing to contribute to efficient (Open) Science and the acceleration of innovation in Flanders.

Get to know our three governance clusters below: the Flemish Open Science Board (FOSB) representing all the Flemish research institutes, the coordination cluster (our board), the FRDN coordination cluster (our daily management) and the Knowledge Hub (our Research Data Management (RDM) community). Together, they work on our strategic goals (SGs) that focus on the Flemish contribution for international impactful targets regarding sharing and reuse of research data and strengthen the basic structures in Flanders that are responsible for the implementation of the Open Science Policy.

Schematic view of the governance structure consisting of three clusters: the Knowledge Hub Community, the FRDN cluster and the FOSB cluster

The FOSB coordination cluster: our board

FOSB is the strategic steering body of the FRDN and is responsible for setting out the Flemish strategy on Open and/or FAIR data. The Board consists of stakeholders from the 36 participating institutions. They ensure that the Working Groups (WG), the Program Committee of the Knowledge Hub, and the Coordination Hub work in function of this policy and approve of all deliverables.


Find out more about our Working Groups, our Program Committee and the  Coordination Hub

Detail of the FOSB cluster: the Coordination hub is in collaboration with the Working Group Architecture and Working Group RDM policy that are accountable to the FOSB

FRDN coordination cluster: our daily management

FRDN connects the policy of FOSB to day-to-day practical solutions for research support staff. Therefore, this cluster is at the core of the governance cycle. The cornerstone of FRDN are the small groups of experts (project groups) that collaborate on deliverables. The Coordination Hub ensures that deliverables are both approved by the board as well as implemented on the work floor.

Discover our project groups.

Detail of the FRDN cluster: The Coordination Hub is in a central position and collaborates with the Working Group Architecture and Working Group RDM policy. Two Project Groups are accountable in terms of content towards their Working Groups

Knowledge Hub cluster: our RDM community

The Knowledge Hub is an open, interactive community of research data professionals. Members participate on the basis of their expertise and interest.The goal of the community is to provide opportunities for research data professionals to get to know each other, exchange information and knowledge, and to find practical solutions together for day-to-day problems on the work floor. A programme committee, informed by feedback from the community, sets up interesting initiatives such as lunch sessions on RDM related topics.

Discover more about the Knowledge Hub

Detail of the Knowledge Hub cluster: Research Data Professionals are in collaboration with Researchers and the Program Committee is accountable for the content to the Research Data Professionals

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