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Tracing the Path of Success: Unveiling Our Past Realizations

The History of FRDN

Welcome to our history block, where we take a candid look back at the milestones that have shaped FRDN's path. As a young network, the  FRDN already made an impact on the further development of Open Science. These pages encompass past realizations, from finished projects to significant  achievements.

Coordination Hub making a timeline

Timeline of FRDN

Explore the FRDN timeline, from inception to the present day. Uncover moments of innovation, achievements, and positive impact. Witness our growth, collaboration, and dedication.

FRDN Achievements

Scroll down and you'll find an archive of our past success stories. These achievements highlight our commitment to advancing Research Data Management and fostering a community of knowledge exchange. Take a closer look to explore the positive impact we've made throughout the FRDN journey.

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